
Spark V Robot feed

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Name Product Id Price Thumbnail Image Description Update
Spark V NR-SPV Rs.8,073.68 Spark V is a low cost robot designed for robotics hobbyists and enthusiasts.

In stock: 19
Prototyping Board For Spark V Robot NR-SPV-PB Rs.531.00 This prototyping board is specifically designed for the Spark V robot.It is mounted on the top of the robot.

In stock: 3
12V, 1Amp SMPS NR-SMPS-12V-1A Rs.472.00 12V, 1A SMPS. High quality built, True Isolation between Mains and DC supply blocks. Country of Origin: INDIA

In stock: 10

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Spark V

Spark V

Spark V is a low cost robot designed for robotics hobbyists and enthusiasts.

In stock: 19