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106mm Diameter x 44mm Thick x 8mm Bore Wheel NR-W-106x44x8 Rs.47.20 106mm Diameter x 44mm Thick x 8mm Bore Wheel is a jumbo sized wheel which is suitable for low cost all terrain robot. It is compatible with almost all the motors having 8mm diameter shaft.

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Biped Robot Mech Kit NR-LEGR-BIPED-MECKIT Rs.1,362.51 Biped robot kit consists of mechanical links and necessary nuts and bolts for building a biped robot.

In stock: 3
USB to RS-232 Converter NR-USB-01 Rs.871.95 This USB to RS232 converter is based on FT232 USB to Serial converter from FTDI. It gives RS232 Level output for TXD and RXD pins of the serial port.

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6mm Coupling Kit for Omniwheel NR-OMN-CPL-6MM Rs.276.48 This 6mm Shaft Motor Coupling Kit for 100mm Heavy Duty Dual RIM Omnidirectional Wheel. It can be used with any motor having 6mm Shaft diameter.

In stock: 1
Longbow Hexapod NR-LEGR-LONGBOW Rs.62,932.07 Longbow Hexapod is a high performance 6 legged robot designed for walking over rough terrain. Robot has six legs. Each leg is made up of three NRS-995 17kg/cm torque dual bearing metal gear servo motors.

In stock: 3
100mm Heavy Duty Dual RIM Omnidirectional Wheel NR-W-OM-11 Rs.889.45 100mm Heavy Duty Dual Rim Omnidirectional wheel. Most suitable for high performance robots, Robocon, Robocup, US First, Battle robots etc.

In stock: 3
USB to Serial TTL/CMOS Logic NR-USB-SER-TTL/CMOS Rs.639.00 This USB to serial converter is based on FT232 from FTDI. It gives out all 8 pins of the serial port at user selectable 3.3 or 5V logic levels.

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8mm Coupling Kit for Omniwheel NR-OMN-CPL-8MM Rs.413.00 This 8mm Shaft Motor Coupling Kit for 100mm Heavy Duty Dual RIM Omnidirectional Wheel. It can be used with any motor having 8mm Shaft diameter.

In stock: 48
L298 Motor Driver Kit NR-L298-KIT Rs.227.91 The L298 motor driver is available in kit form for providing user with ease and user friendly interface for embedded application. L298 motor driver is mounted on a high quality, dual layer PCB for more durability..........

In stock: 15
0x-ALPHA RUGGED ALL TERRAIN ROBOT NR-0X-ALPHA Request Quote 0xALPHA is an all weather robotic system and designed for intelligent applications such as autonomous navigation, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping( SLAM) and 3D mapping. The high payload capacity ensures that most advanced manipulators, EOD and CBRN payloads etc. Product Details
DYNAMIXEL RX-24F 6pcs Bulk 902-0046-000 Rs.86,998.99 This package contains only RX-24F in bulks (does not include accessories).

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Ultrasonic Range Finder SCXL MaxSonar WRMT MB7589 NR-UL-SCXL-MB7589-WRMT Rs.9,086.55 The weather resistant SCXL-MaxSonar-WR self‑cleaning sensor is a rugged ultrasonic sensor component module. This outdoor sensor provides very short to long distance detection and ranging in a compact, robust PVC housing. The ultrasonic sensor meets the IP67 water intrusion standard and matches standard electrical 3/4‑inch PVC pipe fittings. The MB7589 SCXL-MaxSonar-WRMT features a self-cleaning transducer to remove condensation and ice buildup when operating in cold conditions. The MB7589 SCXL-

In stock: 50
Ultrasonic Range Finder HRXL-WRS-MB7334 NR-UL-HRXL-MB7334 Rs.10,176.94 The weather resistant HRXL-MaxSonar-WR is a rugged, ultrasonic sensor component module. This outdoor sensor provides very short- to long- distance detection and ranging in a compact, robust PVC housing. The ultrasonic sensor meets the IP67 water intrusion standard and matches standard electrical 3/4‑inch PVC pipe fittings. The MB7334 HRXL-MaxSonar-WRS is a cost-effective, rugged ultrasonic snow-depth sensor that is designed for reliable snow-depth measurement. The MB7334 has an internal filte

In stock: 49
Ultrasonic Range Finder XL-Trashsonar-WR MB7139-30mmX1.5mm NR-S-UL-XL-MB7139-30mmX1.5mm Rs.6,666.44 The MB7139 XL-TrashSonar-WR1 is a weather resistant sensor designed for trash bin level measurement. The MB7139 XL-TrashSonar-WR1 reports the range to the first detectable target in a trash bin. This sensor is our most recommended sensor for testing within trash bins. High output acoustic power combined with continuously variable gain, real-time background automatic calibration, real-time waveform signature analysis, and noise rejection algorithms results in virtually noise free distance r

In stock: 50
Ultrasonic Range Finder HRLV-EZ1-MB1013 NR-S-UL-HRLVEZ-MB1013 Rs.2,243.21 The EZ1 sensor has a bit narrow beam pattern than HRLV-EZ0-MB1003.Therefore, EZ1 is a great choice for use where sensitivity is needed along with side object rejection.This sensor is a good, low-cost starting place for a customer not sure of which HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ sensor to use.

In stock: 50
Intelligent Autonomous Transport Vehicle (IATV) NR-IATV-UGV02 Request Quote Intelligent autonomous transport vehicle is a fully autonomous vehicle used for transporting personals autonomously inside the campus. It is also used for advance research in mobile robotics. Product Details
Ultrasonic Range Finder HRXLWR-WRM-MB7369-30mmX1.5mm NR-S-UL-HRXLWR-050-30mmX1.5mm Rs.6,579.05 The HRXL-WRM-MB7369 sensor is equipped with filtering firmware which allows the sensor to ignore smaller targets and noise, and still report the target that gives the largest acoustic return. This gives users the flexibility to consistently range larger targets in the presence of clutter and noise. If the largest target is removed from the field of view, then sensor will switch to the target that gives the next largest detectable return.

In stock: 50
Ultrasonic Range Finder I2CXL-Compact -MB7040 NR-S-UL-I2CWR-C-MB7040 Rs.6,666.44 The I2CXLWR-MB7040 is now available with an I2C bus interface. This allows for up to 127 sensor to be operated on a single bus interface for multi-sensor operation. This sensor is a weather resistant sensor designed for outdoor detection and ranging. This sensor will typically detect objects from 0-cm to 765-cm and provide sonar range information from 20-cm out to 765-cm with 1-cm resolution.

In stock: 50
Ultrasonic Range Finder 30mmx1.5- MB7060 NR-S-UL-XLWR-30mmx1.5-MB7060 Rs.6,666.44 This sensor provides very short to long-range detection and ranging, in a compact, robust PVC housing, designed to meet IP67 water intrusion, and matches standard electrical ¾” PCV pipe fittings.

In stock: 50
Universal Sensor Pod NR-POD-02 Rs.2,021.51 Universal sensor pod is designed to mount any of sharp and ultrasonic range distance sensor from Nex-Robotics.The universal sensor pod is ssembly of two Servo motor for precise control in any of pan and tilt direction on which universal sensor pod is mounted.The whole sensor pod can be easily mounted on any robot.

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Results 1 - 20 of 436

Featured Products

Ultrasonic Range Finder HRXLWR-WRLT-MB7386

Ultrasonic Range Finder HRXLWR-WRLT-MB7386

The HRXL-WRLT-MB7386 is outdoor sensor provides very short to long distance detection and ranging in a compact, robust PVC housing. This sensor meets the IP67 water intrusion standard and matches standard electrical 3/4-inch PVC pipe fittings. It detects objects from 1-mm and ranges to objects from 50-cm to 1000cm.Output data format are analog, PWM, Serial TTL.

In stock: 49

Ultrasonic Range Finder XLMaxsonar-WRM1-Full Horn-MB7052

Ultrasonic Range Finder XLMaxsonar-WRM1-Full Horn-MB7052

MB7052 sensor provides very short to long-range detection and ranging, in a compact, robust PVC housing, designed to meet IP67 water intrusion. Additional filtering in The MB7052 also rejects moving target clutter such as rain or snow, electrical noise, and outside acoustic noise. It gives range output in terms of analog voltage, serial data and PWM signals.

In stock: 42

100mm Heavy Duty Dual RIM Omnidirectional Wheel

100mm Heavy Duty Dual RIM Omnidirectional Wheel

100mm Heavy Duty Dual Rim Omnidirectional wheel. Most suitable for high performance robots, Robocon, Robocup, US First, Battle robots etc.

In stock: 3

Ultrasonic Range Finder XL-EZ4 MB1240

Ultrasonic Range Finder XL-EZ4 MB1240

EZ4 (EZ series) is a low cost high performance ultrasonic range sensor used for indoor applications. It performs real time auto calibration of detecting object. Ultrasonic EZ4 sensor has narrower beam width than EZ3 Ultrasonic sensors. It gives range output in terms of analog voltage, serial data and PWM.

In stock: 42

Ultrasonic Range Finder XL-EZ0 MB1200

Ultrasonic Range Finder XL-EZ0 MB1200

EZ0 (EZ series) is a low cost high performance ultrasonic range sensor used for indoor applications. It performs real time auto calibration of detecting object. Ultrasonic EZ0 sensor has widest beam width than all other Ultrasonic EZx type sensors. It gives range output in terms of analog voltage, serial data and PWM.

In stock: 2

Ultrasonic Range Finder XL-AE3 MB1330

Ultrasonic Range Finder XL-AE3 MB1330

AE3 (AE series) is a low cost high performance ultrasonic range sensor used for indoor applications. It performs real time auto calibration of detecting object. Ultrasonic AE3 sensor has narrower beam width than Ultrasonic AE2 type sensors. It gives range

In stock: 50

Ultrasonic Range Finder I2CXLEZ1-MB1212

Ultrasonic Range Finder I2CXLEZ1-MB1212

The I2CXLEZ1-MB1212 offers a lower hardware gain and a smaller, narrower detection zone than the MB1202. This makes the EZ1 a great choice for people detection applications. It detect objects from 0-cm to 765-cm (25.1 feet) and provide sonar range information from 20-cm out to 765-cm with 1-cm resolution.

In stock: 50

USB to RS-232 Converter

USB to RS-232 Converter

This USB to RS232 converter is based on FT232 USB to Serial converter from FTDI. It gives RS232 Level output for TXD and RXD pins of the serial port.

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Ultrasonic Range Finder HRXLWR-WRMT-MB7389

Ultrasonic Range Finder HRXLWR-WRMT-MB7389

The HRXL-WRMT-MB7389 sensor is equipped with filtering firmware which allows the sensor to ignore smaller targets and noise, and still report the target that gives the largest acoustic return. This gives users the flexibility to consistently range larger targets in the presence of clutter and noise. If the largest target is removed from the field of view, then sensor will switch to the target that gives the next largest detectable return.

In stock: 50

XBee-PRO (S2B) 63mw Wireless Communication Module (Wire antenna)

XBee-PRO (S2B) 63mw Wireless Communication Module (Wire antenna)

XBee ZB PRO(a.k.a. Series 2) module improves upon the power output and data protocol of the Pro Series2. Series 2B modules allow you to create complex mesh networks based on the XBee ZB ZigBee mesh firmware.

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Unit No. 13,
Building No. 2 (A3), Sector 1,
Millennium Business Park,
Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400 710,
Maharashtra, INDIA

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Nex robotics has added support for Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio (MRDS) on FireBird V research platform. FireBird V is one of the most widely deployed research platforms designed by Department of CSE, IIT Bombay and Nex robotics.


NEX Robotics has designed Intelligent autonomous transport vehicle for transporting personals autonomously inside the campus and for advance research in mobile robotics.

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